Friday, July 10, 2009

Change of plans

Finalement je crois que je ne pourrais pas diner chez A., je suis malade, le nez qui coule et j'ai presque pas de voix, Lu un peu aussi, alors je ne voudrais pas qu'elle l'attrape, avec son acouchement prévu pour dans même pas une semaine, en plus je ne suis pas en forme, j'irais avec Lu au parc plutôt vers 2h.

We went, for 2 hours, to all three parcs there, we ended up in the samll pool, and he started going in more, he kind of likes it now, and we might go more often, with the security guy there being cute and nice. Anyway, tonight I'm going shopping downtown, on my own for once, incognito so to speak, I need to buy a dvd (I don't have one and the one on the computer doesn't work anymore, so it's been 2 months Angé can't watch no movies, it's been an issue...), and bring my 30th birthday watch to be repaired since it fell on the floor 2 months ago and the bracelet opened and I lost the small screw. There it is, my exciting life. I'm making tarte aux poires while waiting for Charmaine, it's going in the oven now.

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